
1) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a oração a seguir:
Mary is careful with her things. I think that clean backpack is ****.

a) mine

b) his

c) hers

d) their

e) her

2) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente o
período a seguir:

Mike **** chess when his grandparents arrived for dinner last night.

a) is practicing

b) practicing

c) practices

d) was practicing

e) were practice

3) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente o
período a seguir:

I think our grandpa **** the flowers we’ve bought. The
florist promised to deliver the bouquet tomorrow morning.

a) won’t like

b) will like

c) will likes

d) likes

e) liked

Resposta :

1) alternativa a
2) alternativa b
3) alternativa a


1) c

2) d

3) b


Na pergunta 3 a alternativa "a" também poderia estar certa gramaticalmente, mas quando se dá algo a alguém, esperamos que a pessoa goste do presente. Então a "b" está mais adequada.