Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous
1. I was washing up while you were sleeping.
2. The girls were playing handball when I arrived.
3. I was watching TV when the phone rang.
4. The waiter was serving drinks when we felt the earthquake.
5. I was hearing a strange noise while she was studying for her test.
7. What were you doing yesterday at 7:00pm?
8. She was not playing video games when I came home, she was reading a book.
9. It was dark, the wind was blowing, the rain was pouring down and a dog was barking.
10. As I was driving home from work I saw an accident.
➡️ Past continuous >> tempo verbal para falar sobre situações e ações contínuas, ou seja, que estavam acontecendo no passado, ao mesmo tempo em que outra situação acontecia ou tinha acabado de acontecer.
I was studying English when Liz arrived. >> Eu estava estudando inglês quando a Liz chegou.
Peter was playing soccer when her mom called him. >> Peter estava jogando futebol quando sua mãe o chamou.
I was cleaning my room while Kate was cleaning the kitchen. >> Eu estava limpando meu quarto enquanto a Kate estava limpando a cozinha.
As I was sleeping John went out. >> Como/Quando eu estava dormindo, John saiu.
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