
Answer these questions and then ask your friends. Take notes in the following chart. (Responda essas perguntas e depois pergunte a seus amigos. Faça as anotações na tabela a seguir.) Your answer Your friend’s answer Your friend’s answer a) What sport can you play well? b) Can you sing well? c) Could your father ride a bike when he was young? d) Who can help you with your math exercises? 8. Complete the sentences with CAN or COULD. a) David ___________ ride a horse very well. b) Susan ____________________ swim when she was 10 years old. c) They _____________ dance very well. d) We _________________ sing when we were young. 9. Make questions to the answers. a) _______________________________________________________________________? Yes, Mary can dance very well. b) _______________________________________________________________________? David can swim at the club. 10. Unscramble the words to make sentences. a) CAN – THEY – VOLLEYBALL – PLAY _________________________________________________________________________. b) WHEN – HE – HE – WAS – COULD – SWIM – YOUNG ________________________________________________________________________. ​

Resposta :

Resposta:a- I can play volleyball b- I can't c- yes He could d- My brother can help me 8a- can b- could c- can d- could 9a- can mary dance Well? b- Where can Dave swim? 10a- they can play volleyball b-he could swim when he was young.

Explicação: can é usado para falar de abilidade no presente e could pra falar de abilidade no passado, por isso quase sempre virá acompanhado de uma expressão de tempo ( when he was young, por exemplo) para poder identificar, o tempo verbal. Ambos can e could são usados como auxiliares portanto, nas perguntas eles vem antes do sujeito. ( can I?) na afirmação segue a regra sujeito + verbo ( I can)