
1. Complete com a conjugação correta da primeira condicional: Ex: If they work very much, they will finish the project soon.
a. Maria will be ill if she _________ a lot of chocolate.
5 pontos
will eat
don't eat
b. He _____________ to your party if you don't invite him
5 pontos
don't come
won't come
c. If we come home late, mum ___________ angry.
5 pontos
will be
does be
will is
d. If it rains,you _______________ an umbrella.
5 pontos
will took
will take
would take
e. If he ___________ abroad next month, he wil bring you some gifts. *
5 pontos
will go
does go

Resposta :

       É possível inferir que a primeira condicional em inglês indica uma possibilidade ou uma provável ação que ocorrerá no futuro. Com isso dito, vamos para as respostas:

a) Maria will be ill if she eats a lot of chocolate.

b) He won't come to your party if you don't invite him

c) If we come home late, mum will be angry.

d) If it rains,you will take an umbrella.

e) If he goes abroad next month, he wil bring you some gifts.

      As principais estruturas utilizadas referenciam o futuro e a conjugação dos verbos na terceira pessoa no inglês.