Resposta :
1. Mark the correct alternative.
a) Light: (x) luz ( ) sombra
b) Sky: ( ) terra (x) céu
c) Cloud: ( ) sol (x) nuvem
d) Rain: (x) chuva ( ) neve
e) Rays: ( ) rajadas (x) raios
f) Near: (x) perto ( ) longe
g) Falls: (x) cachoeiras ( ) nuvens
h) Drops: ( ) raios (x) gotas
2. Write T (true) or F (false). Escreva T (true – verdadeiro) ou F (falso).
a) (F) A rainbow is formed between the sun and the falls.
b) (T) A rainbow exhibits the colors of the solar spectrum.
c) (T) The solar spectrum is a contínuos band of seven colors.
d) (F) A rainbow is observed when the sun meets water.
3. Try to explain with your words but according to the text what is a rainbow.
A rainbow is a visual effect/ phenomenon that happens when light passes through water.
Espero ter ajudado.