complete the sentences about this family with: am is are

a) she 'is' my mother
b) they 'are' my brothers
c) i 'am' Anne
d) he 'is' my father
e) they 'are' my grandparents
f) we 'are' a very happy family
Olá, boa tarde.
Usaremos os Verbo to be, com seus devidos pronomes pessoais.
Exemplos da forma correta de uso:
I: am (sou)
He, She e it: Is (é)
We, You e They: are (são)
Agora vamos responder as atividades.
3) Complete the sentences about this family with: am is are
a) She is my mother.
b) They are my brothers.
c) I am Anne.
d) He is my father.
e) They are my grandparents.
f) We are a very happy family.