NHOTODY711ON NHOTODY711ON ENEM Respondido AJUDA!!!Fill in the blanks using MUST / MUSTN'T or DON'T HAVE TO:1) Passengers on a bus.....................smoke. It is against the law. *A)must B)mustn't C)don't have to2) Drives ...............wear sunglasses for driving. They make it easier to see, but they're not necessary. *a)must b)mustn't C)don't have to 3) Motorcycle riders........... wear helmets.That's the law. * A)must B)mustn'tC)don't have4) In Brazil, a driver........... wear a seatbelt. *a)must B)mustn'tC)don't have to5) When people are putting gasoline in their gas tank, they ...............smoke. It's forbbiden. * a)mustb)mustn't c)don't have to​