Resposta :
2. Complete as frases a seguir com o conector adequado à ideia entre parênteses. Sua resposta
a. OVERALL the game is good, and all Mario's fans are going to like it. (conclusão) * 2 pontos
→ overall (no geral)
however (contudo)
in addition (em adição a)
b. In this game there are cars, trucks AND motorcycles for you to choose.(adição) * 2 pontos
nevertheless (contudo)
in summary (resumindo)
→ and (e)
c. TO SUM UP, this is just an upgraded version of the first game. (resumo) * 2 pontos
In conclusion (concluindo)
→ To sum up (pra resumir)
Moreover (além disso)
d. There are other characters in the game, BESIDES Mario and Luigi. (adição) * 2 pontos
on the contrary (ao contrário)
→ besides (além de)
overall (sobretudo)
e. The new Mario World game is not very good, HOWEVER I like it. (oposição) * 2 pontos
→ however (no entanto)
moreover (além disso)
to sum up (pra resumir)