
AJUDA URGENTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A-Reescreva as frases substituindo o verbo to be grifado pelo verbo to be no Past
Tense(Consulte a tabela acima).
1. I am seven years old.
2. You are my best friend.
3. The boy is jumping.
4. The women are talking.
5. Your bike is in the garage.
6. Andrew is reading a book.
7. The boys are very kind.
8. There is a bottle on the table.

Resposta :

1. I was seven years old.

2. You were my best friend.

3. The boy was jumping.

4. The women were talking.

5. Your bike was in the garage.

6. Andrew was reading a book.

7. The boys were very kind.

8. There was a bottle on the table.

⟩⟩ O verbo “To Be” no passado simples (past simple) é representado por duas formas que são >> Was e Were << essas formas são usadas para os pronomes do plural e do singular todavia, para usá-las tem que saber a conjugação correta do verbo to be.

  • I was
  • You were
  • He was
  • She was
  • It was
  • We were
  • They were

⟩⟩ Sabendo a conjugação dele é possível fazer sentenças na forma Negativa e Interrogativa seguindo a mesma regra dele no Simple Present.

Espero Ter Ajudado!

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- Brainly.com.br/tarefa/46939413

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