Resposta :
*Questão 3)* a) In big cities, older people can look for places to practe physical activities and interact whit other people of the same age.
In the countryside, older people can keep in better contact with each other, since in these places everyone knows each other and helps each other.
b) We can create more leisure activities for seniors such as fitness groups for seniors, dance groups, cinemas, theaters and other cultural attractions. Furthermore, improving the physical space to better serve the elderly is essential, such as the availability of handrails on the stairs or elevators in places with more floors.
Explicação: (Peguei no YouTube)
Seguem abaixo as respostas para as duas questões acerca da população idosa no Brasil:
- a) In enormous cities, more seasoned individuals can explore for places to practice physical exercises and associated with other individuals of the same age. In the farmland, more seasoned individuals can keep in way better contact with each other, since in these places everybody knows each other and makes a difference each other.
- b) We are able make more relaxation exercises for seniors such as wellness bunches for seniors, move bunches, cinemas, theaters and other social attractions. Moreover, moving forward the physical space to way better serve the elderly is basic, such as the accessibility of handrails on the stairs or lifts in places with more floors.
Elderly People
Para que possamos melhorar a qualidade de vida da população idosa no Brasil, primeiramente precisamos identificar quais as maiores dificuldades e problemas que essas pessoas enfrentam, comparando cada uma delas.
Para isso, iremos separar essa população em dois grupos, um que mora em cidades grandes e outro que mora em áreas rurais, através disso, conseguiremos compreender melhor a situação a fim de conseguir chegar em uma solução plausível.
Leia mais sobre a população idosa aqui:
Leia mais sobre elderly people aqui: