
Preencha as lacunas abaixo com as preposições de tempo in, on e at:

a) The wine is ____ the bottle.

b) Pass me the dictionary, it's _____ the bookshelf.

c) Jennifer is ____ work.

d) Berlin is _____ Germany.

e) You have something _____ your face.

f) Turn left _____ the traffic lights.

g) She was listening to classical music _____ the radio.

h) He has a house _____ the river.

i) The answer is ______ the bottom of the page.

j) Julie will be _____ the plane now.

k) There are a lot of magnets _____ the fridge.

l) She lives _____ London.

m) John is ____ a taxi. He's coming.

n) I'll meet you _____ the airport.

o) She stood ______ the window and looked out.​

Resposta :


A- in

B- in

C- at

D- in

E- in

F- at

G- in

H- on (Eu acho)

I- in

J- in

K- in

L- in

M- in

N- at

Me desculpe se tiver alguma errada :(

On Learnings: Outras perguntas