

1) That is the woman _________ I was talking to. (Essa é a mulher que estava falando para você.) a) who d) what b) where e) whom c) whose

2) Mr Richards, __________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner. (Sr. Richards, que é motorist de taxi, mora na esquina.) a) who d) that b) whom e) when c) which

3) That's Peter, the boy____________ has just arrived at the airport. (Aquele é Peter, o menino que acabou de chegar do aeroporto.) a) whom d) when b) where e) who c) whose

4) Thank you very much for your e-mail __________was very interesting. (Muito obrigado pelo seu email que foi muito interessante.) a) who d) which b) where e) whom c) whose

5) The man, _________ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella. (O homem, cujo pai é professor, esqueceu o guarda chuva dele.)​

Resposta :

1. Whom

2. Who

3. Who

4. Which

5. Whose

On Learnings: Outras perguntas