
1 – Read the last part of the infographic presented on "Semana 1" and discuss:

a) Based on the features of “Slow and Fast Fashion”, in what ways is fashion an expression of con-

sumerism in your community?

b) Can you think of an example of ethical and unethical propaganda?

c) How can propaganda campaigns influence people’s opinions?​

1 Read The Last Part Of The Infographic Presented On Semana 1 And Discussa Based On The Features Of Slow And Fast Fashion In What Ways Is Fashion An Expression class=

Resposta :


a) In my community, fashion plays a fundamental role when it  comes to consumerism, creating and renewing trends at an  accelerated speed in order to arouse consumer desire.  


-Unethical: At the launch of an intimate soap for the brand,  Dove ran an advertisement showing a black woman taking  off a brown blouse and transforming herself into a white woman.

-Ethical: An advertisement for a remedy, for example, that warns about symptoms and contraindications.

c) Advertisements appeal to our emotions to create new consumption needs in us.They give us the illusion that buying a particular product will bring many benefits to our lives.

Explicação: confia!

A) Na minha comunidade, atualmente, a moda desempenha um papel fundamental no que diz respeito ao consumismo, criando e renovando tendências para despertar o desejo do consumidor.

B) Assim como em toda e qualquer propaganda, são utilizados diversos recursos para persuadir o comprador de que o produto em específico irá satisfazer o desejo do cliente.

C) A influência de determinados produtos na vida das pessoas pode persuadir o desejo de compra de um consumidor.

Saiba mais em: brainly.com.br/tarefa/39079809