
1.use o simple presente - forma affirmativa
a.she......,.............alone. (TO GO)
b.our students...................soccer. (TO LIKE)
c.the baby.....,................at night. (TO CRY)
d.we...............the truth. (TO TEEL)
e.clara............... to you. (TO SAY)

2.use a forma interrogativa - DOES ou DO
a)..................helen................here? (TO LIVE)
b)..................amanda and saulo..................at liceu (TO STUDY)
c)...................our parents...........,......now?(TO GO)
d)..................your sister.................... a lat? (TO TRAVEL)

3.use a forma negativa - DO NOT(DON'T) ou DOES NOT DOESN'T)
a.alice and l....................... to then.(TO TELL)
b.she.........................the plates.(TO WASH)
c.that stare......,.........very Wellington.(TO PAY)
d.our friends.................on mondays

me ajuda pfvr ):​

Resposta :


1.use o simple presente - forma afirmativa

a.she goes alone. (TO GO)

b.our students like soccer. (TO LIKE)

c.the baby cries at night. (TO CRY)

d.we tell the truth. (TO TELL)

e.clara says to you. (TO SAY)

2.use a forma interrogativa - DOES ou DO

a) Does Helena live here? (TO LIVE)

b) Do Amanda and Saulo study at liceu (TO STUDY)

c) Do our parents go now?(TO GO)

d) Does your sister travel a lot? (TO TRAVEL)

3.use a forma negativa - DO NOT(DON'T) ou DOES NOT DOESN'T)

a.Alice and l don't tell to them.(TO TELL)

b.she doesn't wash the plates.(TO WASH)

c.that stare......,.........very Wellington.(TO PAY) >> essa não consegui responder porque não fez nenhum sentido para mim.

d.our friends don't work on mondays