
Observação: Todas as questões fala do verbo to be no presente.

1°) Escreva as formas do verbo to be.

2°) Qual é a opção que fala do verbo to be?

a) ( ) it, about, He
b) ( ) was, were, what
c) ( ) is, are, am
d) ( ) N. D. A.

3°) Leia a frase e circule o verbo.

"Oh muito God! Pedro is a great pupil".

4°) Complete a frase:

"Daddy, Pedro and Paulo.......... working now".

Resposta :


1. I am

You are

He is

She is

We are

They Are

2. c) is, are, am.


4. Daddy, Peter and Paulo are working now

On Learnings: Outras perguntas