
1- Preencha as lacunas com a/an/some/any:

1- There is _____ apple.

2- There aren't _____eggs.

3- There isn't ______sandwich.

4- There is ______pineapple juice.

5- There aren't ______cakes.

6- There isn't ______rice.

7- There is ______jam.

8- There aren't _____ oranges

9 - There is ______butter

10- There isn't ________milk

11- There are _______bananas

12- There is ________bread

13-There are __________tomatoes .

14- There isn't __________ cheese ​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Quantifiers  >>  some / any

⇒⇒  Indefinite article  >>  a / an

A resposta para o exercício 1 é:

1. an

2. any

3. any

4. some

5. any

6. any

7. some

8. any

9. some






Preencha as lacunas com a/an/some/any:

1- There is an apple.

2- There aren't any eggs.

3- There isn't any sandwich.

4- There is some pineapple juice.

5- There aren't any cakes.

6- There isn't any rice.

7- There is some jam.

8- There aren't any oranges.

9 - There is some butter.

10- There isn't any milk.

11- There are some bananas.

12- There is some bread.

13-There are some tomatoes .

14- There isn't any cheese.

⇒⇒  Quantifiers

→→ Some (algum - alguma, alguns - algumas, um pouco de) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas.

→ antes de substantivos contáveis (que possuem plural)

I have some friends. - Eu tenho alguns amigos

She has some books. - Ela tem alguns livros

We have some pens. - Nós temos algumas canetas

→ antes de substantivos incontáveis - (que não possuem plural)

some milk - um pouco de leite

some water - um pouco de água

→→ Any (nenhum, nenhuma, qualquer, algum, alguma) - é usado em sentenças afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas

→ Afirmativas - tem sentido de ‘’qualquer’’

any tools - qualquer ferramenta

any shoes - qualquer sapato

→ Negativas - tem sentido de ‘’nenhuma’’ ou ‘’nenhum’’

I don’t have any new book. - Eu não tenho nenhum livro novo.

I don’t play any videogames. - Eu não jogo nenhum jogo.

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