a) ( 6 ) The destruction of the Twin Towers by a terrorist attack 2001 caused damage to the economy of the USA and had a significant impact on global markets, b) (E) The Germans from the Eastern side built this wall in 1961. It felt down in 1989 and became a symbol of a united world. c)(C) During World War II, atomic bombs were thrown over two Japanese cities. d) (H) He won the USA Presidencial election in 2008 and swept away the racial barrier in American politics. e) ( ) The military ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985. f) ( A ) In this period, kings and queens wanted more lands, so they sent explores around the world. g) () This revolution began around 1760 and changed the world's economist and social organization Machines started to replace hand-made work h) ( F ) This network eliminated boundaries in the world and made real time communication between distant places possible. i) (B) This is one the most important discoveries of our time. It made the fight against infections possible and saved millions of people. j) (0) This was the most terrible war of all times. The nazi killed millions of people. Não consegue as و در امور direito QUESTION 02 jolos, mas isso que enterin Classifique os verbos no texto acima em regulares e irregulares. Irregulares Regulares