
1.Join the sentences below by using possessive forms. Study the example.

a)The student has a pen. The pen is on the table.
Ex: The student’s pen is on the table.

b)The man has a car. The car is in the garage.

c)My friends had a party. The party was enjoyable.

d)The women have kids. The kids are playing

e)India has a population. The population is very large.

f)My sisters have got friends. The friends are kind.

g)The teachers had a meeting. The meeting was last week.​

Resposta :


b) The man's car is in the garage.

c) My friend's party was enjoyable.

d) The women's kids are playing.

e) India's population is very large.

f) My sister's friends are kind.

g) The teachers' meeting was last week.


b) O carro do homem está na garagem.

c) A festa do meu/minha amigo/a foi divertida.

d) Os filhos da mulher estão a brincar.

e) A população da India é muito grande.

f) Os amigos da minha irmã são bondosos.

g) A reunião dos professores foi na semana passada.

Boa sorte ;)