Resposta :
⇒⇒ Demonstrative pronouns
⇒⇒ Plurals
1. Which words complete the sentence?
“There are two new students in my class, a boy and a girl.”
a) a / a ✅
b) the / the
c) a / the
d) You don't need a word in the spaces
2. Which words go in the spaces?
We saw a film yesterday. The film was about an explorer.
a) the / A
b) a / A
c) a / The ✅
d) the / The
3. Check the alternative that correctly used the demonstrative pronoun:
a) That shoes are mine.
b) I am tired of this job. ✅
c) Let´s play with those child.
d) These chair is very comfortable
4. The translation of the phrase:
"Aqueles alunos estão na sala de aula " is:
a) This students are in the classroom.
b) That student are in the classroom.
c) Those students are in the classroom. ✅
d) These students is in the classroom.
5. The plural of the phrase: "This boy is a good actor" is:
a) This boys is a good actors.
b) That boys is a good actors.
c) These boys are good actors. ✅
d) Those boys are a good actors.
6. “Whose car is this?” ''It belongs to Evans.”
a) who
b) which
c) what
d) whose ✅
7. Which of them gave up studying?
a) Who
b) Whom
c) Which ✅
d) Whose
8. “How is your brother like?”“He is tall and slim.”
a) How ✅
b) Who
c) Whom
d) What
9. Does Betty usually get what she wants?
a) Do / get
b) Does / gets
c) Does / get ✅
d) was / got
10. We don't go to school on Sundays.
a) weren’t
b) wasn’t
c) didn’t
c) don’t ✅
⇒⇒ Demonstrative pronouns / Pronomes demonstrativos >>> são usados para indicar pessoa, lugar ou objeto e mostrar sua localização - perto - longe
→→ This >>>> este - esse - esta - essa (singular)
This is my sister, Liza.
Esta é minha irmã, Liza.
This is John, my brother.
Este é o John, meu irmão.
→→ These >> estes - esses - estas - essas (plural)
These are my friends Susan and Jim.
Estes são meus amigos Susan e Jim.
These are my cousins Jennifer and Savannah.
Estas são minhas primas Jennifer e Savannah.
→→ That >>> aquele - aquela - aquilo (singular)
That is my new car.
Aquele é meu carro novo.
That city is where my uncle Steve lives.
Aquela cidade é onde meu tio Steve mora.
→→ Those >> aqueles - aquelas (plural)
Those are my English teachers.
Aqueles são meus professores de inglês.
Those girs are going to the Mall.
Aquelas meninas estão indo ao shopping.
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