
Read the text and copy the cognate words. (Leia o texto e copie as palavras cognatas (semelhantes.) “This is a vast area for professionals specialized in Mathematics, who hardly get unemployed. There are numerous long-term opportunities for professionals in the chemical, oil, and electrical sector, considering the country’s investments in the oil and gas industries, as well as the industrial advances in these sectors”. ​

Resposta :


Vast = Vasta

Area = Área

Professionals = Profissionais

Specializated = especializados

Mathematics = Matemáticas

Numerous = Numeroso ou numerosa

Term = Termo

Opportunities = Oportunidades

Electrical = Elétrico ou elétrica

Sector = Setor

Considering = Considerando

Investiments = Investimentos

Gas = Gás

Industries = Industrias

Industrial = Industrial

Advances = Avanços

Sectors = Setores


Espero ter ajudado ( DEMOROU MEIA HORA)