Resposta :
⇒⇒ Simple present - terceira pessoa do singular
TO BRING ⇔ brings
TO SAY ⇔ says
TO DANCE ⇔ dances
TO RUN ⇔ runs
TO LEAVE ⇔ leaves
TO TAKE ⇔ takes
TO RIDE ⇔ rides
TO CARRY ⇔ carries
TO ENJOY ⇔ enjoys
TO HIT ⇔ hits
TO SHOW ⇔ shows
TO KEEP ⇔ keeps
TO MEET ⇔ meets
TO TEACH ⇔ teaches
⇒⇒ Simple present >> Verbos na terceira pessoa do singular
Na maioria dos verbos em inglês, no presente simples - terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it), basta acrescentar ''s''.
They tell >>> She tells
We count >>> He counts
I work >>> He works
Mas, alguns verbos, seguem regras diferentes:
1. Verbos terminados em ''o, sh, ch, x ou ss'', na terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it) acrescenta ''es''
We go - He goes
I wash - He washes
You watch - She watches
2. Verbos terminados em consoante seguida de Y, remove o Y e adiciona ''ies''.
I carry - She carries
We study - He studies
3. Verbos terminados em vogal seguida da letra Y, vamos apenas adicionar a letra S no final.
I play - He plays
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