
1) Complete as frases com o pronome possessivo correto levando em consideração as

informações que podem ser obtidas nas frases.

a) I have a cat. That cat is _______.

b) She bought a car. This car is ________.

c) They have a house. That house is _______.

d) Max and I have a cousin. The cousin is____.

e) The horse has a carrot. The carrot is _____

f) Bob has a bike. The bike is________.

g) My brother has a dog. The dog is_______.

h) My pencil is broken. Can I borrow _______

i) Dani has already eaten her lunch and now she wants ________

j) Which shirt is yours? The black or the white?

The black is _____ and the white is _______.

k) That cellphone is _______, but this fone is not. Is this fone __________

No, this fone is not _________. por favor me ajudem

Resposta :


a. The cat is mine.

b. It's her car

c. It's their house.

d. The cousin is ours.

e. Its it carrot.

f. The bike is his.

g. It's his dog.

h. Can I borrow yours?

i. Dani has already eaten her lunch now she wants our lanchs.

j. The black is mine, and the white is his.

k. The cellphone is hers, but the fone is not. It is mine fone. - No, the phone is not yours