
Today is the first day of school. Read this conversation between Bruce and Liz.

Write T (true) or F (false) according to the conversation above.

( ) Liz is Bruce’s sister.

( ) Mrs. Evan is Herta’s mother.

( ) Liz is in Bruce’s class.

( ) Herta is in Liz and Bruce’s class.


Escolham a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados a seguir.

1. Don't blow your nose here. A. Boca B. Nariz C. Unha

2. Do you have a sore throat? A. Boca B. Nariz C. Garganta

3. He has a stiff neck. A. Pescoço B. Cabelo C. Mão

4. I hit my elbow and it hurt a lot. A. Braço B. Dedo C. Cotovelo

5. He can't play because his knee is injured. A. Joelho B. Perna

6. Don't touch his arm. A. Mão B. Testa C. Braço

7. I cut my finger the other day. A. Pé B. Olho C. Dedo

8. Give me your hand. A. Mão B. Cabeça C. Perna
