
preencha com o pronome interrogativo mais adequado para completar os espacos em branco das sentencas abaixo
a)_____________ os Jennifer? "" Oh , she is the new biology teacher"
b)___________ is John so happy today? "" because today is his birthday "
c)____________ is christimas? "" on december 25th "
d)____________ is the city of Moscow? "" in Rússia. It is the capital of Rússia "
e)_____________ is your mother, Tom? "" she is OK now
f)______________ is a parrot? "" A kind of bird"​

Resposta :


a) Who is Jennifer?

b) Why is John so happy today?

c) When is christmas?

d) Where is teh city of Moscow?

e) How is your mother, Tom?

f) What is a carrot?