
1. Você é capaz de adivinhar quais são as respostas corretas, no quadro abaixo, para as charadas a seguir Eighteen IT Smile Post Office Envelope Incorrectly

a) What word begins and ends with an E but only has one letter?

b) What starts with a P ends with an E and has thousands of letters?

c) How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

d) which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

e) Suproliglicatiouspenuvallancia -- how do you spell it?

f) What is the longest word in the dictionary?​

Resposta :


A. Envelope ( EnvelopE )

B. Post Office ( Post officE)

C. eighteen ( as palavras "the english alphabet" tem 18 letras)

D. incorrectly (qual palavra no dicionario é falada INCORRECTLY)

E.. IT (como vc fala IT)

F. SMILE (porque tem um "MILE"milha,unidade de medida entre os dois)