
mim ajuda porfvaor???.​

Mim Ajuda Porfvaor class=

Resposta :



a) She is a girl

b) They are happy

c) He is a boy

d) We are on vacation

e) It is old

f) You are very nice


b) She is pretty

c) They are Portuguese

d) It is cute

e) We are best friends

f) It is raining cat and dogs


a) How are you

b) I am fine, thanks.

c) Are you and Susan studying English

d) No, we are not

e) Susan and I

f) We teach math

g) You are teachers

h) Who are they

i) They are Marcos and Paulo

j) He is from Brazil, right


Espero que tenha dado para entender.

On Learnings: Outras perguntas