
mim ajudem por favor e urgente!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mim Ajudem Por Favor E Urgente class=

Resposta :


3) Escreva os verbos a seguir no gerúndio:

a) To go: going

b) To take: taking

c) To sleep: sleeping

d) To work: working

e) To study: studying

f) To speak: speaking

g) To sing: singing

h) To play: playing

i) To dance: dancing

j) To run: running

k) To eat: eating

4) Write in the present continuous:


a) She plays video games.

b) John works here.

c) She do the exercise

d) I eating papaya.

e) John and Mary dancing in the club.

5) Conjugue the verbs in the present continuous:

a) To kissing

b) To loving

Por favor coloca como melhor resposta, obrigada. Espero ter ajudado S2.


a) To go: going

b) To take: taking

c) To sleep: sleeping

d) To work: working

e) To study: studying

f) To speak: speaking

g) To sing: singing

h) To play: playing

i) To dance: dancing

j) To run: running

k) To eat: eating

4) Write in the present continuous:


a) She plays video games.

b) John works here.

c) She do the exercise

d) I eating papaya.

e) John and Mary dancing in the club.

5) Conjugue the verbs in the present continuous:

a) To kissing

b) To loving