
Write something you do and something you don't do on each day. Use the phrases in the box or your own information.
check email
have dinner late
sleep late
drive car
get up early
play video games
talk on the phone
eat breakfast
go to school
see my friends
watch television​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Simple present  >>  Things you do / don't

I check email.

I don't exercise.

I don't have dinner late.

I don't sleep late.

I don't  get up early.

I  play video games.

I talk on the phone.

I  eat breakfast.

I go to school.

I don't drive a car.

I see my friends.

I watch television​.

I don't go to the beach.

⇒⇒  Simple present >> Auxiliares para a negativa

Don't (do + not)         >>  usado com I - we - you - they

Doesn't (does + not) >>  usado com He - she - it


sujeito + don't/doesn't + verbo na forma base

I don't study German.

Lucy doesn't study German.

Paul doesn't go to the beach on Mondays.

They don't play video game at night.

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