Resposta :
⇒⇒ Simple present >> Things you do / don't
I check email.
I don't exercise.
I don't have dinner late.
I don't sleep late.
I don't get up early.
I play video games.
I talk on the phone.
I eat breakfast.
I go to school.
I don't drive a car.
I see my friends.
I watch television​.
I don't go to the beach.
⇒⇒ Simple present >> Auxiliares para a negativa
Don't (do + not) >> usado com I - we - you - they
Doesn't (does + not) >> usado com He - she - it
sujeito + don't/doesn't + verbo na forma base
I don't study German.
Lucy doesn't study German.
Paul doesn't go to the beach on Mondays.
They don't play video game at night.
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