
Complete os espaços em branco com o advérbio de frequência e o verbo indicados entre parênteses. O verbo deverá ser conjugado no Simple Present.

Our teacher, Mrs Jones, ___________ (never / be) late for lessons.

I ___________ (often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.

My brother ________________ (hardly ever / help) me with my homework.

I _________________ (sometimes / be) bored in the maths lessons.

We _______________ (rarely / watch) football on TV.

You and Tony _______________ (never / play) computer games with me.

You ________________ (usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.

The school bus ____________________ (always / arrive) at half past eight.

Resposta :

Our teacher, Mrs Jones, be late for lessons.

I clean my bedroom at the weekend.

My brother help me with my homework.

I be bored in the maths lessons.

We watch football on TV.

You and Tony play computer games with me.

You usually at the sports centre on Sunday.

The school bus arrive at half past eight.