
Observe o esquema de um bairro abaixo:
2- De acordo com o esquema acima, complete as frases com o estabelecimento público
a) The hotel is across from the ___________________________________.
b) The square is next to the ________________________________.
c) The music store is between the ________________________ and the __________________.
d) The ______________ is on the corner of First Street and Second Street.
3- Complete os espaços abaixo com as preposições de lugar: across from; between; next to;
on; on the corner of.
a) The hotel is _______________________ the bank and the church.
b) The square is ___________________ the bus station.
c) The ice cream is _____________________ the post office.
d) The Shopping Mall is __________________ Second Street.
e) The Fire Station is ____________________________________ First and Second Streets