Parte 2 da lição anterior... se puderem ajudar por favor eu agradeço ♡

2. A. have
B. has
C. have
4. B. Has Jane a beautiful house?
Common way (Does Jane have a beautiful house?)
C. Have you a modern house?
Common way (Do you have a modern house?)
D. Have you a black pencil?
Common way (Do you have a black pencil?)
E. Has he many friends?
Common way (Does he have many friends?)
F. Has the teacher a red car?
Common way (Does the teacher have a red car?)
G. Has the child many toys?
Common way (Does the child have many toys?)
5. B. She has not a large house.
Common way (She doesn't have a large house.)
C. He has not a young wife.
Common way (He doesn't have a young wife.)
D. She has not a old husband.
Common way (She doesn't have a old husband.)
E. They have not much money.
Common way (They don't have much money.)
6. A. I haven't much money.
B. We haven't many friends.
C. She hasn't a red bicycle.
D. They haven't an old teacher.
E. He hasn't a young wife.
O common way é a forma normal que as pessoas falam essas frases, eu realizei a lição seguindo os próprios exemplos dela mas acredito que estão gramaticalmente errados. Se o(a) seu(sua) professor(a) quer os exercícios iguais os exemplos aí estão eles, porém gramaticalmente errados, então coloquei a forma correta apenas para informar. Eu aconselho a, se possível, pedir ao(a) professor(a) para te explicar o porquê das frases estarem escritas desta forma já que ninguém fala assim.
Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!