1. Change the nouns to Pronouns: (Mude os nomes para pronomes): Ex. Mary is my sister. Peter and she are here.
She is my sister. They are here.
a. The bus stops near my house. ______stops near my house.
b. John and a friend come here today. _______come here today.
c. A friend waits for you. ______waits for you.
d. The students do the exercises. ______do the exercises.
e. Mr. Carter brings the cake. ______brings the cake.
f. The girls play in the yard. ______play in the yard.
g. A nurse visits Antonio. ______visits Antonio.
h. The birds fly to the sky. ______fly to the sky.
i. The television set is very big. ______is very big.
j. Susy and I play cards at night. ______play cards at night.
To bring – trazer / to wait – esperar / to fly – voar To do – fazer
Cake – bolo / yard – quintal