
1 – Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos em parênteses no Present

a) The girl ____________ (STUDY) every day.
b) John __________ (SLEEP) a lot.
c) My students ____________ (PLAY) soccer.
d) The teachers _____________ (READ) books every class.
e) It _____________ (DRINK) milk and water.
f) I and my friends _______________ (TALK) at school.
g) I ____________ (LIVE) near the lake.
h) Ana Clara _______________ (GO) to school by bus.
i) The sun _____________ (SHINE) a lot.
j) John ___________ (WATCH) TV at night.

2 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma negativa.
3 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma interrogativa.
4 – Traduzir as frases do exercício 1.

Resposta :


1 –

a) The girl STUDIES every day. (The girl = she)

b) John SLEEPS a lot. (John = he)

c) My students PLAY soccer. (My students = they)

d) The teachers READ books every class. (The teachers = they)

e) It DRINKS milk and water.

f) I and my friends TALK at school. (My friends and I = we)

g) I LIVE near the lake.

h) Ana Clara GOES to school by bus. (Ana Clara = she)

i) The sun SHINES a lot. (The sun = it)

j) John WATCHES TV at night. (John = he)

2 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma negativa.

  1. The girl doesn't study every day.
  2. John doesn't sleep at lot.
  3. My students don't play soccer.
  4. The teachers don't read books every class.
  5. It doesn't drink milk and water.
  6. My friends and I don't talk at school
  7. I don't live near the lake.
  8. Ana Clara doesn't go to school by bus.
  9. The sun doesn't shine a lot.
  10. John doesn't watch TV at night.

3 – Passe as frases do exercício 1 para a forma interrogativa.

  1. Does the girl study every day?
  2. Does John sleep a lot
  3. Do my students play soccer?
  4. Do the teachers read books every class.
  5. Does it drink milk and water?
  6. Do I live near the lake?
  7. Do I and my friends talk at school?
  8. Does Ana Clara go to school by bus?
  9. Does the sun shine a lot?
  10. Does John watch TV at night?

4 – Traduzir as frases do exercício 1.

  1. A garota estuda todo dia.
  2. John dorme muito.
  3. Meus alunos jogam futebol.
  4. Os professores leem livros em toda classe.
  5. Isso bebe leite e água.
  6. Eu e meus amigos falamos na escola.
  7. Eu vivo perto do lago.
  8. Ana Clara vai para a escola de ônibus.
  9. O sol brilha muito.
  10. John vê TV a noite.


No Simple Present deve-se usar os verbos no infinitivo (sem o to) no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, porém acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it:

Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x

, acrescentar -es no final do verbo.

Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal,  acrescenta-se somente o -s.

Verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante

, retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies