Resposta :
A alternativa que completa as frases corretamente é a alternativa “d”: hate; loves; like; plays; work; shows; dance.
Os verbos precisam ser conjugados de acordo com os pronomes que os precedem, por isso, devemos sempre identificar os pronomes, ou sujeitos, da frase, para escolher a conjugação certa. Veja abaixo:
1. Bob and Mike hate music. ("Bob and Mike" = they = 3rd person plural)
2. Susan loves her father. ("Susan" = she = 3rd person singular)
3. You like me. (You = 2nd person singular)
4. Peter plays all the songs. ("Peter" = he = 3rd person singular)
5. I work in the hospital. (I = 1st person singular)
6. The film shows a good story. ("The film" = it = 3rd person singular)
7. John and I dance every day. ("John and I" = we = 1st person plural)