
escreva as frases em inglês:

a)ele jogou futebol ontem

b)eu limpei a casa semana passada

c) nós estudamos para o teste na quarta

d) eles assistiram TV no final de semana

e) você lavou o carro ontem

f)ela trabalhou no final de semana passado

g)elas acordam cedo ontem

h)eu ajudei minha mãe no final de semana

I) vocês levantaram cede no domingo

j)ele jogou vídeo game noite passado

ME AJUDEM!!!!!!!!​

Resposta :

a) He played soccer yesterday.
b) I cleaned the house last week
c) We studied for the test on Wednesday
d) They watched tbt on weekend
e) You washed the car yesterday
f) She worked on last weekend
g) They woke up early yesterday

A) played soccer yesterday
B) i cleaned the house last week
C) we study for the test on wednesday
D) they watched TV over the weekend
E) you washed the car yesterday
F) she worked last weekend
G) they woke up early yesterday
H) I helped my mom on the weekend
I) you got up early on sunday
J) he played video games last night