
1) ouça a música and l Love Her, Dos Beatles e complete os espaços vazios com os pronomes sujeito e o objeto.

And I love her


.......... give .......... all my love

That's all .......... do

And if .......... saw my love

.......... ‘d love .......... too

And .......... love ..........

.......... gives .......... everything and tenderly

The kiss my lover brings

.......... brings to ..........

and .......... love ..........

A love like ours

Could never die

As long as ..........

Have .......... near ..........

Bright are the stars that shine

Dark is the sky

.......... know this love of ………..

Will never die

and .......... love ..........​

Resposta :


I give her all my love

Thats all I do

and if you saw

You'd you love her too

I love her

She gives me everything


She brings to me

and I love her


as long as I

Have her you near me


I know this love of mine


and I love her