
Bob __ now. / They___ good books. / I ___ my students. / The dogs _____ a lot of. 

a) are sleeping - are reading - am helping - is barking

b) is sleeping - are reading - am helping - are barking

c) are sleeping - is reading - is helping - are barking

d) is sleeping - is reading - are helping - is barking

me ajudem pf

Resposta :

Letra b.

Pra entrar em concordância com o verbo to be sendo
O singular:
I am
You are
He/she/it is

O plural:
We are (nós somos/estamos)
You are (vocês são/estão)
They are (eles são/estão).
Bons estudos....


Letra B


Bob/ HE (ele) = IS

They (eles) = ARE

I (eu) = AM

Dogs/ It (cachorros. NO PLURAL) = ARE