
3) Ordene as palavras formando frases interrogativas e traduza:
Ex.: you / speak / English. » Do you speak English? (Você fala inglês?)

a) Your / friend / need / money:
b) She / have / an / car / old:
c) They / study / at / night:
d) You / me / understand:
e) You / have / a / good / job:
f) Your / sister / help / you:
g) You / father / work / on / Sundays:
h) They / know / England:

Resposta :

a)Does your friend need money?
(Seu amigo precisa de dinheiro?)

b)Does she have an old car ?
(Ela tem um carro velho?)

c) Do they study at night?
(Eles estudam de noite?)

d)You understand me?
(Você me entende?)

e) Do you have a good job?
(Você tem um bom trabalho?)

f) Does your sister help you?
(A sua irmã te ajuda?)

(tenta resolver o resto)
Espero ter ajudadoo