
1. Don't, Doesn't or Didn' t :

1. I _______ like coffee, I prefer tea.
2. Polly ____ entre the university last year.
3. Sam _____ go in for sports, he's very lazy.
4. The boys ____ make a snowman yesterday.
5. She _____ receive letters every Day.
6. We _____ aften watch football matches.
7. Bob _____ understand that rule yesterday.
8. I _____ eat apples at all.
9. She____ stay at the hotel in Madrid last year.
10. He____ listen to jazz, he likes rep.
11. They _____ go abrood last year.
12. Luis _____ take part in this conference.
13. She_____ visit many places in Paris in June.
14. We____ want to go to the beach today. ​

Resposta :


1. I don't like coffee, I prefer tea.

2. Polly didn't enter university last year.

3. Sam doesn't go in for sports, he's very lazy.

4. The boys didn't make a snowman yesterday.

5. She doesn't receive letters every day.

6. We don't aften watch football matches.

7. Bob didn't understand this rule yesterday.

8. I don't eat apples at all.

9. She didn't stay at the hotel in Madrid last year.

10. He doesn't listen to jazz, he likes rep.

11. They didn't go abrood last year.

12. Luis doesn't take part in this conference.

13. She didn't visit many places in Paris in June.

14. We don't want to go to the beach today.

O Simple Present Tense Ă© usado para representar o presente simples, ou seja, equivale ao presente do indicativo quando transposto ao portuguĂȘs. Simple Past Ă© um tempo verbal na lĂ­ngua inglesa que equivale ao pretĂ©rito perfeito na LĂ­ngua Portuguesa.

1. I don't like coffee, I prefer tea.

2. Polly didn't enter university last year.

3. Sam doesn't go in for sports, he's very lazy.

4. The boys didn't make a snowman yesterday.

5. She doesn't receive letters every day.

6. We don't aften watch football matches.

7. Bob didn't understand this rule yesterday.

8. I don't eat apples at all.

9. She didn't stay at the hotel in Madrid last year.

10. He doesn't listen to jazz, he likes rep.

11. They didn't go abrood last year.

12. Luis doesn't take part in this conference.

13. She didn't visit many places in Paris in June.

14. We don't want to go to the beach today.

O uso do Simple Present é vålido quando se quer apontar açÔes corriqueiras no tempo presente. Sendo usado em sentido de verdades imutåveis, emoçÔes, opiniÔes e sentimentos.

Utiliza-se o Simple Past nas frases em que hå sentido de ação concluída e finalizada. Além disso, hå uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.

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