
Passe para Negativa e Interrogativa as sentenças abaixo:

There is something in the class.

Negativa :

Interrogativa : ?

There is something in the bathroom.

Negativa :

Interrogativa : ?

3 ) There is something at school.

Negativa :

Interrogativa : ?

4) There is something at home.

Negativa :

Interrogativa : .?

5) There is something in the cinema .

Negativa :

Interrogativa : .?

6) There is something on the beach .

Negativa : …………………………………………………………

Interrogativa : ?

7) There is something on TV.

Negativa :

Interrogativa : ?

8) There is something to study .

Negativa :

Interrogativa : ?

Resposta :


There is something in the class.

Negativa: There isn't something in the class.

Interrogativa: Is there something in the class?

There is something in the bathroom.

Negativa: There isn't something in the bathroom.

Interrogativa: Is there something in the bathroom?

3) There is something at school.

Negativa: There isn't something at school.

Interrogativa: Is there something at school?

4) There is something at home.

Negativa: There isn't something at home.

Interrogativa: Is there something at home?

5) There is something in the cinema.

Negativa: There isn't something at the cinema.

Interrogativa: Is there something in the cinema?

6) There is something on the beach.

Negativa: There isn't something on the beach.

Interrogativa: Is there something on the beach?

7) There is something on TV.

Negativa: There isn't something on TV.

Interrogativa: Is there something on TV?

8) There is something to study.

Negativa: There isn't something to study.

Interrogativa: Is there something to study?

