
Só responde se souber msm a resposta pfv

Escreva em inglês e passe para a forma interrogativa e negativa.
a) Eu almoçare.
b) Nós teremos o recreio.
c)O cavalo correrá.
d) Ele irá ao banheiro.
e) Ela passará álcool em gel na saída.
f)Maria sairá hoje a noite.
g)Eu morrerei sozinho.

Resposta :

Oi!! As frases ficam assim:

A)I will have lunch,

I won’t have lunch.

Will I have lunch?

We will have recess.

Will we have recess?

We won’t have recess.

The horse will run.

Will the horse run?

The horse won’t run.

He will go to the bathroom.

Will he go to the bathroom?

He won’t go to the bathroom.

He will use the hand sanitizer on the exit.

Will he use the hand sanitizer on the exit?

He won’t use the hand sanitizer on the exit.

Maria will go out tonight.

Will Maria go out tonight?

Maria won’t go out tonight.

I will die alone.

Will I die alone?

I won’t die alone.