
1) Choose the correct Modal Verb: a) Teacher, (may/might) I drink some water? may might

b) I don’t know. I (may have/might) go to the party tonight.

may have


c) I toke some days off and I (may/might have) visit my friend in Ireland.


might have

d) Anete (may have not/might not) received your message. She said her cell phone wasn’t working well.

may have not
might not

e) Martin, (may/might) I borrow you car to go to the movies?


) Choose the best answer: a) I'm ___, let's go to a restaurant.

0 pontos

( ) gets hungry

( ) getting hungry

( ) become hungry

b) Wear your jacket or you'll ___.

0 pontos

( ) becoming hot

( ) get sick

( ) getting sick

c) When you work a lot, you ___ easily.

gets tired

get tired

getting tired

d) When Barcelona plays a big match he ___.

gets excited
get excited
getting excited

4) De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre Fake news, marque a alternativa a seguir que NÃO corresponde a como se proteger das fake news:

Não saia compartilhando qualquer informação sem checar a veracidade

Pesquise em outros sites para saber se eles também publicaram a notícia

Cheque a data da notícia para saber se é atual

Não importa a qualidade da imagem, se foi publicada, é verdadeira

Avalie se o texto contém erros de gramática, fake news costumam ter erros de ortografia

5) Complete the rule according to the use of the verb get: THE VERB ------ CAN BE A -------- WHEN USED WITH A -------.

got/ adjective/ verb

get/ linking verb/ adjective

get/ verb/ linking verb

getting/ noun/ verb

me ajuda por favor