
alguem me ajuda por favor
A – Supply ‘ or ‘s.
1. Don __________ car is in the garage.
2. Mr. Simpson __________ secretary is outside.
3. They sell ladies __________ hats in this store.
4. The doctor __________ wife is very gentle.
5. The women __________ husbands are late.
6. My friends __________ sisters are beautiful.
7. We love Grandma __________ cakes.
8. The engineers __________ glasses are broken.
9. I don’t like boys __________ shoes.
10. Bring the child __________ toy.

Resposta :


1) 's

2) 's

3) '

4) 's

5) 's

6) '

7) 's

8) '

9) '

10) 's


A letra S só não é utilizada quando o sujeito termina em S, pois seria impossível colocar dois S.


correto: My friends' house is big.

incorreto: My friends's house is big.

Espero ter ajudado :)