
Boa noite, companheiros!
Estou precisando de ajuda em uma lição de inglês, quem puder me ajudar, desde já, obrigado. ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

2) Complete com o verbo to be.

A) The idea_________ to sell the house
B) Your signature______ required. (negativa)
C) He______ ( negativa) a driver, he _____ a dentist
D) _______ l the only teacher here?
E) Your ideias _______great.
F) We______ married. (nagativa)
G) I ________ tired today

Resposta :

A) The idea IS to sell the house
B) Your signature ISN’T/ IS NOT required
C) He ISN’T/ IS NOT a driver, he IS a dentist
D) AM I the only teacher here?
E) Your ideas ARE great
F) We AREN’T/ ARE NOT married
G) I AM tired today


a) The idea _is_ to sell the house

b) Your signature _isn't_ required

c) He _isn't_ a driver, he _is_ a dentist

d) _am_ I the only teacher here?

e) Your ideas _are_ great

f) We _aren't_ married

g) I _am_ tired today


Conjugação do verbo to be:

I (eu) am

You (você) are

He (ele- pessoa) is

She (ela-pessoa) is

It (ele/ela- coisas) is

We (nós) are

You (vocês) are

They (eles) are

Para a negativa basta colocar "not" depois do verbo:

I (eu) am not

You (você) are not

He (ele- pessoa) is not

She (ela-pessoa) is not

It (ele/ela- coisas) is not

We (nós) are not

You (vocês) are not

They(eles) are not

OBS: forma contraída da negativa:



Para a interrogativa basta inverter o pronome e o verbo:

Am I?

Are you?

Is he/she/it?

Are we?

Are you?

Are they?