
3. Releia o texto e responda V ou F:

In São Paulo we visited our parents and then walked along Guarujá beach . At three o'clock we traveled to Rio by bus . We arrived here at about nine o'clock and watched a film on TV .

a) In São Paulo we visited our parents and then walked along Guarujá Beach. ( )

b) At three o'clock we traveled to Rio by plane. ( )

c) We arrived here at about seven o'clock and whatched a film on TV.( )​

Resposta :


A) V

B) F

C) F


Letra B está incorreta, o correto seria: "[...] by bus."

E a letra C está incorreta porque o correto seria "[...] at about nine o'clock..."

resposta A - Em São Paulo visitamos nossos pais e depois caminhamos pela praia do Guarujá

tu e miraculer?pergunta aleatoria