
1. Complete as frases com o SIMPLE PRESENT dos verbos entre parênteses:
OBS: Lembre-se de retirar o TO do infinitivo e observar se o sujeito está na 3ª pessoa do singular e também nas regras especiais.
Andrew_________in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ( to live ) *

Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Jennifer and I __________ up early on Saturdays. ( to get ) *

We ______________ in good luck and bad luck. ( to believe ) *

I _________a blue dress every Sunday. ( to wear ) *

He__________ soccer every Saturday with friends. ( to play ) *

Julio __________ his father at work. ( to help ) *

They______________ in the office at around 8:30. (to arrive) *

Lisa ___________English at School ( to study ) *

His kid _____________ TV all day long! (to watch) *

My brother ___________ his homework in the morning. (to do) *

He _________ to stay here. (to have) *

Carol _____________ to the gym every single day. (to go) *