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OBS: Coloquem todas as respostas em inglês obgg :)

1) Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

2) Where and when did he live?

3) What was happening in the US during his life?

4) Why is he relevant to the black consciousness movement?

5) Has it influenced any more movement or situation?

6) Why do you think he was murdered?

7) Why is Martin Luther King Junior historically important?


Resposta :


1) Martin Luther King, Jr., was a Baptist minister and social rights activist in the United States in the 1950s and '60s. He was a leader of the American civil rights movement. He organized a number of peaceful protests as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, including the March on Washington in 1963.

2) Chicago, Atlanta, Montgomery...

3) The North American racial segregation

4) King is widely known for fighting political rights through non-violence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the non-violent activism of Mahatma Gandhi.

5)  King was already against US involvement in the Vietnam War, but at first avoided the issue in public speeches to avoid conflicting civil rights goals that could be criticized by President Johnson. However with the pacifist stance of former SCLC member and now leader of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, James Bavel, and inspired by Muhammad Ali's outspokenness in the movement to end the war,[153] King eventually agreed to publicly go against the conflict as opposition against it was growing among the American population.

6) The King family and others believe the murder was the result of a conspiracy involving the US government, the Mafia and the Memphis police, as claimed by Loyd Jowers in 1993. They believe Ray was a scapegoat.

7) he was one of the top black leaders in the United States against racial segregation and for social equality. Between the 1950s and 1960s, Luther King played an outstanding role in taking a peaceful stand against racial segregation, which was law in many states.


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