3. Frase: This is a teacher. (Este é um professor) a) These are teachers. c) These teachers are. b) Those are a teachers. d) These are teacher. 11. Marque a alternativa correta na passagem da forma afirmativa para as formas negativa e interrogativa nas frases com pronomes demonstrativos. 4. Frase: Those are friends. (Aqueles são amigos) (passar para a negativa) a) Those not are friends. c) Are those not friends. b) Those are friends not. d) Those are not friends. 5. Frase: That is a monkey. (Aquele é um macaco) (passar para a interrogativa) a) Is monkey a that? c) Is that a monkey? b) is a that monkey? d) That is a monkey? 6. Frase: These are the cats. (Estes são os gatos) (passar para a negativa) a) These are the cats not. c) These not are the cats. b) These are not the cats. d) These the cats are not 7. Frase: This is a ghost. (Isso é um fantasma) (passar para a interrogativa) a) Is this a ghost? c) Is he a ghost? b) This is a ghost? d) is ghost a this?