
One of the underlined words or phrases is incorrect; identify which is wrong:
Halloween, originally a pagan winter festival in stone-age Europe, is one of the more popular holidays with children and teens in the USA.
A) is
B) a
C) in
D) the more popular

One Of The Underlined Words Or Phrases Is Incorrect Identify Which Is Wrong Halloween Originally A Pagan Winter Festival In Stoneage Europe Is One Of The More P class=

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Superlative

Halloween, originally a pagan Winter festival in stone-age Europe, is one of the more popular holidays with children and teens in the USA.

A) is

B) a

C) in

D) the more popular  >>> errada

    the most popular  >>>  correta

⇒⇒  Superlative form >> usado para dizer que uma coisa, uma pessoa, uma situação etc... é a maior/melhor etc... de todas.

1. Na maioria dos adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas, acrescenta ''the'' e ''est'' no final do adjetivo.

John is the tallest boy in the class

This is the oldest building in town.

2. Para adjetivos com duas ou mais sílabas acrescenta-se ''the most'' antes do adjetivo.


expensive - the most expensive - o mais caro

beautiful - the most beautiful - a mais bonita

different – the most different – o mais diferente


good       - bom

the best - o melhor

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