
Verbo To Be form Negative
Lembrando que podemos usar o verbo to be para falar sobre ages (idade), occupations(profissões), prices (preços), the time (tempo), feeling and states (sentimentos e estados), nationality (nacionalidades) and colors(c0res.
Para elaborar uma sentença negativa, você precisa acrescentar a palavra NOT após a combinação de sujeito e verbo. Por exemplo, I AM é o que usamos para afirmar algo; para colocarmos essa afirmação na negativa só precisamos fazer assim I AM NOT.
Agora transforme as sentenças a baixo em negativas:
I am single.
We are married.
She is studying Spanish right now.

They are at work at this moment.

We were at school yesterday

She was working last weekend.

He was talking with his father.

They were travelling.

I am angry write you.

She is 30 years old.

Complete the sentences with IS, IS NOT, ARE, ARE NOT, AM or AM NOT
I _________________Spanish, I’m Greek.
Peter ______________a good student. He’s a bad one!
Our eyes________________blue. They’re brown.
My sister_________________a police officer, she’s a journalist.
_____________________his brother tall?
The bus ______________________late, it’s here now.
__________________you ok?
That film __________________very good. The story is very boring.
____________________it cold today?

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A paz de vida difiitiriroor9rororotitoororoe9e0r99ro0